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It's an Amiga 600 for sale with a super-fast Raspberry Pi at the core and the superb KeyRah keyboard interface, configured & pre-installed with Workbench so it's ready to use.


Amiga 600 Raspberry Pi setup. This Raspberry Pi Amiga has all the modern features housed in an original Amiga 600 case with original Amiga 600 keyboard.

The Raspberry PI is running a 16gb version of Amiberry distro. The machine boots within seconds and is fully loaded WHDload setup and can also use ADF files which can be loaded from USB.


Plays ECS & AGA Games, Software & Demos!

For the ultimate authentic retro feel, the Keyrah interface board enables the original Amiga keyboard to work fully within the emulated system. There are two 9-pin joystick ports but these have not been configured, instead we'll include a pre-configured retro-style USB gamepad.

The emulator menu can be accessed by pressing the (redefinable) 'HELP' key. From here you can mess around changing 'hardware' settings etc.


Cleaned, Primed, Sealed & Sprayed, Two-tone A600 case


- Custom Sprayed Amiga A600 with blue glow power window.

- 16GB pre-configured 'Ready to Use' SD Card

- Raspberry Pi

- Keyrah v2 Interface- HDMI Cable

- Concise getting-started guide

- USB Retro Gamepad

- Universal 2.5a Power supply


Total Package Weight Circa 2.3kg

Raspberry Pi Amiga 600 ClassicWB Setup

Out of Stock
  • We will include a free copy of the original AMIGA EMULATOR CD which contains a licensed kickstart.rom file from then Amiga International. Originally licensed to Nemesys and published by Epic Marketing in 1996. (New Old Stock)

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