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International Karate +, often abbreviated as IK+, is a karate fighting video game originally published in 1987 by System 3 for the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC.


You’ve only got to see a screenshot of this iconic game to have the awesome Rob Hubbard music rushing through your head. This superb game was a beautifully simple fighting game, easy to play but hard to master. The game’s vibrant colours, addictive gameplay and stunning sound win over all who remember it fondly.


Choose from:

 - Original AMIGA disk or

 - The Amiga disk and USB flashdrive with the WHDload version for use on THEA500 MINI (plug & play)

International Karate+ (Amiga Disk / A500 Mini USB) IK+

PriceFrom £5.70


  • In general we have just one of this titl... when sold we will endeavour to replace with the same or alternative title.

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