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Ready to use 'replacement hard drive' for your new Amiga 1200 System

- The latest CF adapter and quality branded Compact Flash (CF) card that acts just like a super-fast prepped and ready-to-go A1200 hard disk.


We'll setup your drive with either Magic Workbench or Scalos (Workbench alternatives)


Choose from:

 - 4GB Magic Workbench

 - 16GB Scalos
 - 32GB OS3.9 (subject to stock)


This amazing bit of kit is best used with a minimum of 4MB of extra ram fitted to your A1200  - Use classic Amiga software and play games and demos direct from the pre-configured hard disk!


- Extra AGA Software!

- Boots in around 10 seconds!

- Includes DOpus file management system

- Includes WHDLOAD and installed PD games and software

- Super fast read & write!
- Will automatically detect PCMCIA adaptor for transfer of ADF files too and from your PC
- Solid state type, no noise, no heat, low power, shock resistant

- Faster than a 2.5" laptop HDD.
- Generally Partitioned into 3+ sections : Workbench, Games, Tools and Demos.


* This Item can only be purchased as part of a custom built Amiga 1200.

* Image is for Illustration.


> Continue Creating Your Custom Amiga 1200 <

*A1200 Compact-Flash Hard-Drive Kit [choice]

PriceFrom £30.00

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