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Stunning Partially Transparent (KS 64C) Commodore 64 for Sale with modded RF, giving exceptional picture output.

Professionally Cleaned, Upgraded, Serviced, Refurbished & Tested.


A two-tone Crystal Commodore 64, a stunning throwback to the classic 80s computer era with a modern twist. This retro gem features a sleek transparent case, allowing you to see the inner workings of this iconic machine. The modded video output ensures that you can enjoy your favourite vintage games and programs in crisp, clear resolution on modern displays. With its eye-catching 2-tone design, this Commodore 64 is sure to be a standout addition to any retro computer collection. Whether you're a long-time fan of the Commodore 64 or a newcomer to the world of vintage computing, this exceptional Crystal Commodore 64 is a must-have for any retro technology enthusiast.


This Commodore 64 Specs:

- Eye-catching Commodore 64 MKII

- UK Specification PAL motherboard

- Genuine 8580 SID chip

- Modded RF / Video output

* Power supply not included.



- Optional C64 Video Cable

- Optional Joystick

- Modern Replacement Power Supply

2-Tone Crystal Commodore 64

Out of Stock
  • This is a UK specification machine (PAL with 220v-240v that uses a 50hz PSU) So will work in most countries. Shipping to the USA and other countries that do not directly support PAL / 220v-240v will only come with very limited after-sales technical support / warranty. 


    These machines/boards work in the USA when using a HDTV  with an appropriate video cable and power-supply (available separately).    If you have questions or concerns, please ask for advice.


    See our PAL v NTSC & Power Supply page for more details.

  • We test the machine fully before despatch and whilst building.

    - Video.. tested
    - Cables.. tested
    - Cartridge Port.. tested
    - Keyboard.. tested
    - Sound.. tested
    - Ports.. tested
    - Power Supply.. tested
    - Joystick Ports.. tested

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